How Can I Register?

All Koç University students, alumni and staff are welcome to participate in Koç University’s Day of Service.  Participants can also invite their guests to take part in the projects.

You can participate in the projects that Koç University has developed with various non-governmental organizations. You can also suggest your own project.

Our alumni living in different parts of our country or in different parts of the world can participate in social responsibility activities in their places of residence.

There is a quota limit for the projects that Koç University has developed with various non-governmental organizations. Therefore, it is important for those who register for the projects to participate.

If, for any reason, you will not be able to participate after registering, please inform us at e-mail address.

To participate in the projects determined on Koç University Volunteer Day, to create a new project, or to take part in the activities of a non-governmental organization in your country/city, please fill out the registration form.


Please enter all information completely and correctly when filling out the registration form.

Project quotas are limited. Therefore, it is recommended that you register for the project you want to participate in as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact us.

You can contribute to the community by participating in Koç University Volunteer Day!


Additional Information:

The projects to be carried out within the scope of Koç University Volunteer Day will be announced on the university’s website and social media accounts.

Participants will be provided with transportation and meals for the projects they participate in.

Volunteers will receive a certificate of participation at the end of the day.